Show settings

After selecting a show from the show list you are redirected to the show details.

In the sidebar navigation click on Basic Settings to reach the show settings page.

Here you can see and edit all the general settings of your show. Depending on you role, you may or may not be able to edit certain fields.

Basic information

Set the show title, subtitle and description here.

The show title is the basis for an automatically generated slug, required for radio website integrations. The slug can be altered in the Danger Zone below.

The subtitle is a tagline or short description, especially used to present the show in overview pages of the website. It allows basic inline formatting of the text.

The description is the place for your lengthy show description essay. It allows basic inline formatting of the text.

Show settings - basic information

Content information

This section is used to assign content categorization options. All available data you can choose here, is predefined in the metadata section of the radio station administration.

The fields topics and languages can be overridden and extended on episode level.

Show settings - content information

Editors & contact information

Define contact information, like an email to allow people reach out to your show team. Depending on the radio this information may be only used privately, publicly or a mix of both.

You can define a set of links to be shown on the webpage of the show. The provided link types are defined individually by the radio station in the radio station administration.

The editorial staff is a set of people typically hosting the show. Their profiles are displayed as hosts on the show details of the radio station website.

The list of administrators define user accounts, which are allowed to login to the Dashboard and organize the show and their episode details.

Show settings - editors and contact

Administrative information

The funding category is required for regulatory or funding purposes in certain areas. Available option can be freely defined in the metadata section of the radio station administration.

The CBA ID is a field currently not in use. It will provide integration of the Cultural Broadcasting Archive (CBA) at a later stage.

The predecessor can be used to refer to a historically related, preceding, but ended show. This is a special use case and can be ignored in most scenarios.

The internal note is a private text for Programme Managers to store notes on shows and their staff. Note this text can only be editing and read by Programme Managers and Administrators. It can be useful to store remarks on e.g. special contact options, info on sick leave of hosts, or anything required to ease the organizational work of Programme Managers.

Show settings - administrative information

Default media sources

In this section you can assign default media sources.

Any audio source assigned here is used, when there is no other audio source assigned on schedule or episode level. Learn more about the mechanics of assigning media sources in the Media Management chapter.

Show settings - default media source

Danger Zone

The section holds operations to be handled with care, as they can result in non-revertable outcome.

Show settings - danger zone

All operations in the danger zone require you to confirm the action in an additional dialog.

Show settings - danger zone

Deactivate show

The deactivate show button is used to disable a show. When pressing the button, the show is marked as inactive and all existing, future timeslots are deleted. The editorial staff is not able to edit show and episode details anymore.

Delete show

The delete show button deletes the given show and all related data. This should be only used when you have created a show by mistake. Usually you want to deactivate a show instead of deleting it, since you want to keep historic show data to be potentially displayed on the radio station website.

Rename show slug

When renaming a show title, you might also want to update the show slug. Keep in mind, that this results in broken URLs on the radio station website. So check back with your IT team before renaming the slug.