Image management

It is possible to upload images in following areas:

  • Show: Logo and general show image

  • Profile: Avatar of the public profile

Choose image

In the image block click the button choose image.

Click this button to choose an image

The next dialog allows you to either upload, choose an existing image from the gallery or edit the current image.

Menu to upload image, edit image or choose from gallery

Click Upload new image to choose an image for uploading. Next the edit image dialog will open up.

Click the button Browse images to choose an already uploaded image from the gallery.

You can also click Edit the current image which leads to the edit image dialog.

Edit image

The edit image dialog allows you to provide image metadata and modify the image appearance.

After editing hit Save changes to apply the modification. If you decide to go without an image, click Reset image on the right bottom.

Modify image

These options are available to modify an image:

  • Vertical flip

  • Horizontal flip

  • Rotate 90° left

  • Rotate 90° right

  • Crop the image

The aspect ratios for cropping an image are based on default radio settings. They are defined globally in the Radio Station Settings.

Image metadata and licensing

Following metadata can be set:

Alternative Text:

This is required for accessible websites. So try to provide a meaningful image description.


Set the correct license of the image. When in doubt, contact the person holding the ownership rights.

Credits / Author:

The name of the person or organization credited for this image.

Use was explicitly granted by author:

Check this option only if you have written permission to use the author’s work.

Choose the proper license

Proper licensing of media assets is critical for maintaining legal compliance and respecting intellectual property rights.

Learn more about licensing in the Media Licensing chapter.