Radio Station Administration

Programme Coordinators have some additional features for radio management at hand.

Manage Shows

Creating a new show

In order to create a new show, click plus button in the show management tab.

In the dialog enter your show details, select the show type and funding category. Then click OK.

If you are starting from scratch, you might not have any show types and funding categories defined yet.

Learn how to define categorization options in the Manage Metadata chapter below.

Manage Metadata

There are different kinds of metadata which can be used to attribute shows.

Steering Backend Settings

These settings currently can be only adjusted in the Steering backend located at /steering/admin/. In the future there will be a dedicated Radio Station Settings section in Dashboard.


Categories can be utilized to create sections within the radio programme.

For example Radio ORANGE 94.0 uses categories to group their shows in form of areas of interest on their website.

Funding Categories

Funding categories are used to mark shows as per funding-related and regulartory purposes.


Languages can be assigned on show level.

Music Focus

Here you can define a list of music genres and assign them to shows.


This a way to group shows under one theme or special programme (German: “Schwerpunktprogramm”).


Types can be used to define the format of the shows. For example you can mark shows as a feature or talkshow.

The following image gives an idea how Radio Helsinki uses this metadata group on their website.

Manage users and groups

In order to manage users, you have to login to the Steering administration interface.

You can reach that admin interface via /steering/admin/. If your AURA installation is available under the URL to reach that interface is

Here you can log in with your usual credentials you are using for Dashboard too.

The screenshot outlines the section relevant for managing users and groups.

Listing all available users

To get a list of available users click “Benutzer”.

From here you can click individual users for editing their details. It’s also possible to search or filter users by different attributes.

Creating new users

To create a new users, click the button “_Benutzer hinzufügen”.

LDAP creates users automatically

Please check back with your IT team, if you are having LDAP in place. When using LDAP there is no need to create users manually.

There you need to enter a username and password, then click “Sichern und weiter Bearbeiten”.

On the following page you can choose to either create one of these account types:

  • Mitarbeiter: Click the checkbox Mitarbeiter-Status

  • Administrator: Click the checkbox Administrator-Status

After that click “Sichern”.

Granular permissions

There is also a box where you can assign granular permissions to each user account. At the current stage many settings have no effect yet. A basic set of role and permission management features will be provided in the coming releases.

/* tbd */

Deactivating and deleting users

The administration panel allows you to delete users by pressing the “Delete” button.

Alternatively, you can also de-select the “active” checkbox. This means the user data is still available, wherever it’s needed, but the user is not able to login anymore.

Always prefer deactivation over deletion

When in doubt which approach you should choose, always prefer to deactivate the user account. Deleting a user destroys all the historic data and should only be chosen when you are aware about the consequences.

Listing user groups

Click “Gruppen” to get a list of available groups.

Groups are usually used to provide different features and permissions per user role.

Typical roles are:

  • Superuser or administrator: This group is always available and not listet in this view

  • Programme Coordinator: Managers of the radio schedule

  • Host: People who are producing radio shows

Editing a user group

To edit the group click the its name in the list.

In that user interface you can change the group’s name or edit the set of permissions for that group.

Granular permissions

At the current stage many permission settings have no effect yet. A basic set of role and permission management features will be provided in the coming releases.

Adding a user group

To add a group click the button Gruppe hinzufügen.

Please note, that this should be planned with the IT administration, since group are usually carefully planned and defined within the whole organisation.

LDAP Authentication & Authorization

/* tbd */

Generating reports

Most radios require the generation of annual reports for regulatory purposes.

Reporting feature in Dashboard

At the moment reports have to be compiled by some administrator. In the future Dashboard will provide a handy button to generate reports.

Schedule reporting

/* tbd: Mention Steering API to query reports on the radio schedule */

Play-out reporting

To generate playlog reports you can use the playlog endpoint of Engine API. These reports have to be manually generated and aggregated for now.

Learn how playlogs are structured in the API Schema for PlayLog.