# Generate reports Most radios require the generation of annual reports for regulatory purposes. ```{admonition} Reporting feature in Dashboard :class: tip At the moment reports have to be compiled by some administrator. In the future Dashboard will provide a glamorous [button to generate reports](https://gitlab.servus.at/aura/aura/-/issues/178). ``` ## Schedule reporting At the moment not native reporting capability is provided. Individual radio station have their own database query script to generate reports. In the future we will provide basic and advanced reporting mechanisms. ### Play-out reporting To generate playlog reports you can use the [`playlog` endpoint](https://api.aura.radio/engine/#/internal/list_playlog) of Engine API. These reports have to be manually generated and aggregated for now. Learn how playlogs are structured in the API Schema for [`PlayLog`](https://api.aura.radio/engine/).