# Manage users Before proceeding, learn more about [roles and permissions](roles-and-permissions.md). ## List users To get a list of available users click "_User_". From here you can click individual users for editing their details. It is also possible to search or filter users by different attributes. ## Create user To create a new user, click the button "_Add user_". ```{admonition} LDAP creates users automatically :class: tip Please check back with your IT team, if you are having LDAP in place. When using LDAP there is no need to create users manually. ``` ### Enter user credentials On the first form you need to enter a username and password, then click "_Save and continue editing_". ### Provide personal info Then complete provide personal information, like their name and email address. ### Set permission flags Then, under _Permissions_, ensure the checkboxes _Active_ and _Staff status_ are checked. These ensure the user can actually login to the Dashboard. ```{admonition} Superuser checkbox :class: warning Checking this flag, assigns the *radio station administrator* role and equips the user with all available permissions. So handle this checkbox with utmost care. ``` ### Assign groups After this, set the user role by assigning them to one or more groups. Ensure you have read the [roles and permissions](roles-and-permissions.md) overview first. ```{admonition} Host+ role inheritance :class: warning If you want to assign the _Host+_ group, you also have to add the _Host_ group. The reason is due to some internal inheritance logic. In case of the programme manager role you only have to assign the single group. ``` ### Assign individual permissions Alternatively, you can assign additional, individual permissions to the user. Ensure you have read the [roles and permissions](roles-and-permissions.md) overview first. After adding relevant permissions click "_Save_". ## Deactivate and delete user The administration panel allows you to delete users by pressing the "Delete" button. Alternatively, you can also de-select the _Active_ or _Staff status_ checkbox. This means the user data is still available, wherever it's needed, but the user is not able to login anymore. ```{admonition} Always prefer deactivation over deletion :class: warning When in doubt which approach you should choose, always prefer to deactivate the user account. Deleting a user destroys all the historic data and should only be chosen when you are aware about the consequences. ```