# Contributing to AURA ## Code of Conduct [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-2.1-4baaaa.svg)](code_of_conduct.md) We inherit the [Contributor Covenant](code_of_conduct.md). ## How can I contribute? You don't need to be a developer to contribute to the project. - Join the [AURA Matrix Space](https://matrix.to/#/#aura:freie-radios.de). - Check out the source code and try AURA for yourself. - [Create bug reports, feature requests and provide thoughts in GitLab](bug-reports.md). - Become an active developer or maintainer. To do so, check out the [Developer Guide](../developer/index.md), especially the [Coding Conventions](../developer/development.md). - Provide sponsorship. We are happy to list you on the front page. ## Contribution Guidelines _to be defined_ ## Contributors - Code contributors can be found in the `git` logs. - Martin Lasinger from [Freies Radio Freistadt]() designed the AURA logos and icons. - The foundation of Steering is based on [Radio Helsinki](https://helsinki.at/)'s [PV Module](https://git.helsinki.at/pv.git/) by Ernesto Rico Schmidt. - The foundation of Engine is based on [Comba](https://gitlab.janguo.de/freie-radios/comba), by Michael Liebler and Steffen Müller. ## Partners and Sponsorship Current partners - [Radio Orange 94.0 - Verein Freies Radio Wien](https://o94.at/) - [Radio Helsinki - Verein freies Radio Steiermark](https://helsinki.at/) - [Radio FRO - Freier Rundfunk Oberösterreich](https://www.fro.at/) - [Freies Radio Wüste Welle](https://wueste-welle.de/) - [Freies Radio Freistadt](https://www.frf.at/) - [Radio free FM](https://freefm.de/) - [FREIRAD Freies Radio Innsbruck](https://freirad.at) Previous partners and sponsors - [Radiofabrik - Verein Freier Rundfunk Salzburg](https://radiofabrik.at/) ## Licensing By contributing your code you agree to these licenses and confirm that you are the copyright owner of the supplied contribution. ## License - Logos and trademarks of sponsors and supporters are copyrighted by the respective owners. They should be removed if you fork this repository. - All source code is licensed under [GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html). - All other assets and text are licensed under [Creative Commons BY-NC-SA v3.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). These licenses apply unless stated differently.